Husky USA, LLC is dedicated to operating a responsible business. We support the UN Global Compact SDGs in areas where our business have meaningful impact.
We encourage engagement of vessels that have Ballast Water Treatment Systems installed and are ISO 14001 certified.
We monitor the yearly CO2 emissions (emission per ton cargo per mileage sailed) under our watch, and we operate under a strict fuel efficiency agenda.
Our procurement partners are carefully selected, and we have a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption. We oppose all forms of modern slavery including human trafficking and forced labour as well as child labour in our value chain.
Carbon off-setting and advisory (CO&A) is an integral part of our services, whether focusing on the transport of commodities or servicing vessel managers.
Treating people working for us fairly and without discrimination is an integral part of our business. We promote work/life balance through reasonable working hours and we respect our employees rights to form and/or join trade unions.